Thursday, January 7, 2016

Securing RESTful Web Services and Clients


About RESTful Web Service Security

You can secure your RESTful web services using one of the following methods to support authentication, authorization, or encryption:
For information about developing RESTful web service clients using Oracle JDeveloper, see "How to Attach Policies to RESTful Web Services and Clients" in Developing Applications with Oracle JDeveloper.

Securing RESTful Web Services and Clients Using OWSM Policies

You can attach OWSM policies to RESTful web services and clients that are built using Jersey 1.x JAX-RS RI only. RESTful web services and clients that are built using Jersey 2.5.1 (JAX-RS 2.0 RI) cannot be secured using OWSM policies in this release.
Only a subset of OWSM security policies are supported for RESTful web services, as described in "Which OWSM Policies Are Supported for RESTful Web Services" in Securing Web Services and Managing Policies with Oracle Web Services Manager.
You can attach OWSM security policies to RESTful web services using one of the following methods:
Example 6-1 provides an example of using WLST to attach the oracle/http_basic_auth_over_ssl_service_policy policy to a RESTful service. For more information, see "Attaching Policies Directly Using WLST" in Securing Web Services and Managing Policies with Oracle Web Services Manager.
Example 6-1 Securing RESTful Web Services Using OWSM Policies With WLST
C:\Oracle\Middleware\oracle_common\common\bin> wlst.cmd
wls:/offline> connect("weblogic","password","t3://")
Connecting to t3://" with userid weblogic ...
Successfully connected to Admin Server "AdminServer" that belongs to domain "my_domain".
Warning: An insecure protocol was used to connect to the 
server. To ensure on-the-wire security, the SSL port or 
Admin port should be used instead.
wls:/my_domain/serverConfig> beginWSMSession()
Location changed to domainRuntime tree. This is a read-only tree with DomainMBean as the root. 
For more help, use help('domainRuntime')
Session started for modification.
wls:/my_domain/serverConfig> selectWSMPolicySubject('weblogic/my_domain/jaxrs_pack', '#jaxrs_pack.war', 'REST-Resource(Jersey)')

The policy subject is selected for modification.

wls:/my_domain/serverConfig> attachWSMPolicy('oracle/http_basic_auth_over_ssl_service_policy')

Policy reference "oracle/http_basic_auth_over_ssl_service_policy" added.

wls:/my_domain/serverConfig> commitWSMSession()

The policy set for subject "/weblogic/my_domain/jaxrs_pack|#jaxrs_pack.war|REST-Resource(Jersey)" was saved successfully.

Securing RESTful Web Services Using web.xml

You secure RESTful web services using the web.xml deployment descriptor as you would for other Java EE Web applications. For complete details, see:
For example, to secure your RESTful web service using basic authentication, perform the following steps:
  1. Define a <security-constraint> for each set of RESTful resources (URIs) that you plan to protect.
  2. Use the <login-config> element to define the type of authentication you want to use and the security realm to which the security constraints will be applied.
  3. Define one or more security roles using the <security-role> tag and map them to the security constraints defined in step 1. For more information, see "security-role" in Developing Applications with the WebLogic Security Service.
  4. To enable encryption, add the <user-data-constraint> element and set the <transport-guarantee> subelement to CONFIDENTIAL. For more information, see "user-data-constraint" in Developing Applications with the WebLogic Security Service.
The following shows an example of how to secure a Jersey 1.18 (JAX-RS 1.1) RESTful web service using basic authentication. To secure a Jersey 2.5.1 (JAX-RS 2.0) RESTful web service, replace the <servlet-class> element, as follows:org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer.
Support for the com.sun.jersey package, its nested packages, and the weblogic.jaxrs.api.client package, is deprecated in this release of WebLogic Server. It is recommended that you update your RESTful applications to use the Jersey 2.5.1 (JAX-RS 2.0 RI) APIs at your earliest convenience.
Example 6-2 Securing RESTful Web Services Using Basic Authentication

Securing RESTful Web Services Using SecurityContext

The interface provides access to security-related information for a request. The SecurityContext provides functionality similar to javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, enabling you to access the following security-related information:
  • object containing the name of the user making the request.
  • Authentication type used to secure the resource, such as BASIC_AUTH, FORM_AUTH, and CLIENT_CERT_AUTH.
  • Whether the authenticated user is included in a particular role.
  • Whether the request was made using a secure channel, such as HTTPS.
You access the SecurityContext by injecting an instance into a class field, setter method, or method parameter using annotation.
For more information, see the following in the Java EE 6 Platform API Specification:
Example 6-3 shows how to inject an instance of SecurityContext into the sc method parameter using the @Context annotation, and check whether the authorized user is included in the admin role before returning the response.
Example 6-3 Securing RESTful Web Service Using SecurityContext
package samples.helloworld;


@Stateless(name = "JaxRSStatelessEJB")
public class StlsEJBApp {
        public String sayHello(@Context SecurityContext sc) {
                if (sc.isUserInRole("admin"))  return "Hello World!";
                throw new SecurityException("User is unauthorized.");

Securing RESTful Web Services Using Java Security Annotations

The package provides annotations, defined in Table 6-1, that you can use to secure your RESTful web services.
Table 6-1 Annotations for Securing RESTful Web Services
Specifies that no security roles are allowed to invoke the specified methods.
Specifies that all security roles are allowed to invoke the specified methods.
Specifies the list of security roles that are allowed to invoke the methods in the application.
Before you can use the annotations defined in Table 6-1, you must register the roles-allowed feature, as described in the following sections:
Example 6-4 shows how to define the security roles that are allowed, by default, to access the methods defined in the helloWorld class. ThesayHello method is annotated with the @RolesAllows annotation to override the default and only allow users that belong to the ADMIN security role.
Example 6-4 Securing RESTful Web Service Using Java Security Annotations
package samples.helloworld;
import javax.annotation.Security.RolesAllowed;

@RolesAllowed({"ADMIN", "ORG1"})
public class helloWorld {

   public String sayHello() {
      return "Hello World!";
For more information, see:

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